Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Diary Of Shoe Addict

First, Thank's a lot Alloh~ I feel lucky woman in the world. why? cause Alloh loved me so much :))) Alloh masi menyayangiku pdhl aku belum bisa menjadi kaumnya yang sempurna, padahal Manusia adalah makhluk paling sempurna yang telah diciptakannya.

Thank's fullness God, thx December and thx Santa^^ I'm muslim but you still have some gift to me.
People in the world having differences in religions and beliefs, but did not make a noticeable more difference. Mutual respect and care between each other, do not be seen from the faith, but look at that man is a social creature who can not live alone.

Croissants Lily in Mustard from Shoe Corner
maybe you want to follow the twitter @ShoecornerID
vintage and cutie nyaman di kaki dan enteng kalo dipake ;;)

Keisha Dual Tone T-bar Hells from Juice String
this Heels very comfortable on foot, not so tired despite having a 10cm heels hihi

Left : Adidas | Right : League

I got four shoes in one month! yea, crazy~ but still okay and fine for Shoe Addict like me :)) bahkan mungkin kurang ahahahaha *peace to parents and just big smile* I hope I can be better in 2013. amin.

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